Sunday, 30 June 2019


Dear Mor

Jesus Christ Mor, what are you like. Thank God I wasn’t with you.

​So are you still walking around all gummy? Mind you, I bet you could give a powerful suck.

 Love Myf

#myfanwyandmorwenna #falseteeth #gummy #powerfulsuck #myfandmor

False Teeth

Dear Myf 

Gin … you’re not on the mother's ruin again?

Got to tell you this, or maybe I did, can't remember. Last week I went to the bingo as I fancied a little night of excitement and decided to have a little tipple of Gin. Well, actually ended up with several gins, as you do.
Bloody hell, I didn’t half show myself up! Nothing new there I can hear you say, but I won - I flaming won and got so excited I lost my bloody false teeth in the glass. There they were - staring at me. A great big cheesy smile and me with all me gums exposed!

Well I just left quickly. So quick in fact that I left the bloody things behind. Didn’t have the guts to fish them out and stick them back in with hundreds of people staring at me.

Somebody got a nice new pair of teeth! 

​In a rush, must go.
Love Mor x

#myfanwyandmorwenna #gin #bingo #wonatthebingo #falseteeth #leftinahurry


Dear Mor

Bloody hell Mor, you really need to get your wind under control. Mind you, perhaps that will cure the doctor of wearing a bloody dog on his head.

Must go, the ice is melting in me gin.

Love Myf

#myfanwyandmorwenna #toupee #wind #fart #wig #myfandmor 

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Dark Tunnel

Dear Myf

Just a quickie love, been a bit out of sorts. By the way, I don’t have sex these day … it’s bloody healed up!

So, just to keep you in the loop. That bloody UTI - I ended up with cystitis and a visit to the quack again. Oh God, this time the legs were flung apart and he started to peer up a very dark tunnel - I felt he was searching for my tonsils.

The worry was I could feel the bristles on his chin against my legs and his hot breath shooting up a place where its not supposed to be!!!! But oh my flaming God, to top that I felt the rumbles of wind setting sail on it’s way down the winding channels of my bowel and, yeh you guessed, I flaming well let rip!

it was such a violent explosion that as he shot back the rush of wind blew off his toupee!
Think I need to register elsewhere before I’m struck off!

Bye love, gotta go
Speak soon
Yours always
Mor x

Horse Shit

Dear Mor For God sake get some bloody teeth – I’m not going out with you until you get some. Must just tell you this – there was this wo...