Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Toy Soldier

My Dear Morwenna

How lovely to hear from you, I do love reading your little notes. So much better that the cryptic messages you keep leaving me on Facebook. I mean, what’s that all about – “can you hear me?” Of course I could bloody hear you. I know my hearing’s a bit iffy but I was sitting next to you!

I must say your spa day sounded horrendous, I thought they were meant to be relaxing?You do have to wonder why people like that actually go out – seems she was just expecting to be disappointed by everything, talk about bring it on!

You know Mor, I was doing a bit of reminiscing the other day and I had to laugh. Do you remember that woman we worked with at the Sausage Factory – can’t remember her name but she used to shave off her eyebrows and then pencil them back on. She always got them a bit too high though and had a permanent look of surprise on her face – that’s it, that’s what we called her, Surprise!!

Well, do you remember the day she brought her kid into work? He was a right whingeing little sod! I don’t think I can really be blamed for what happened to him though. I mean I only gave him that wind-up toy soldier to shut him up. I thought he was playing quite happily with it when it all went quiet. How the hell was I to know that the silly little sod would put the thing on his head?

I certainly didn’t expect the mechanism would suck up his hair like that though. The bloody row he made was deafening. Trouble was, you couldn’t turn those things off so we had to wait for the mechanism to wind-down!!

But the worse bit was when Surprise had to cut the soldier off the kid’s head. I mean, wouldn’t you think she would have had the common sense to level off the boy’s hair rather than send him to school looking like that? It's no wonder the other kids laughed at him. It looked like a bloody landing strip right down the middle of his head – bit like a reversed Mohican! Oh God we did laugh didn’t we Mor?

Well my old love, better go and start peeling potatoes.
Talk soon, lots of love

#toysoldier #sausagefactory #pluckedeyebrows #permanentlysurprised #mechanicaltoys 

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Horse Shit

Dear Mor For God sake get some bloody teeth – I’m not going out with you until you get some. Must just tell you this – there was this wo...